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Welcome to ICPO

Integration of Children Post-Prison Organization

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Welcome to ICPO

ICPO (Integration of Children Post-Prison Organization Ngo) is a Non-Government Organization located in Rubavu District aims to assist the rights and welfare of vulnerable children. In particularly, ICPO focus on children whose mothers are under sentence in jail before and after leaving them. The babies in prison cause of their mother’s crimes are addressing numerous problems but also after attending 3 age level when they leave prison for joining relative families. We identify those babies in different women prisons and then begin to address which kind of supports they need either in prison or in relative families which accommodate them after leaving their mummies. ICPO take care of minor especially those who performed their school at Nyagatare Juvenile Prison and assists them in society for a better education and reintegration in society. Our main focus and intervention are: inclusive education to our beneficiaries, health insurance, reintegration of our beneficiaries and other sanitation facilities as well as the sustainable communication between children and their mothers in prison. We assist also victims and offenses through reconciliation dialogues and other joint activities for peacebuilding in both families.

Our Programs


Community Development

We support children of prisoners and their families to meet their basic needs and enjoy their rights...

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Peace Building

We facilitate and provide assistance for the reconciliation and reintegration of released prisoners...

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Health Insurance Provision

We work closely with community leaders to identify the most needy families and facilitate with healt...

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We Visit and identify all children living with their mothers in prisons and their relative families...

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  • Visit and identify all children living with their mothers in prisons
  • Visit relative families accommodating children left their mothers in jail for having the light situation they are surviving and identify which gaps they are facing
  • Train women in jail on small-scale business and vocational training
  • Advocate for the rights of vulnerable children
  • Assistance to women with disabilities and those pregnant in prison
  • Legal assistance to women and minors (under 18 years old)
  • Facilitate reintegration of released prisoners in the communities
  • Support children of prisoners and their families to meet their basic needs and enjoy their rights
  • Contribute to the educational and health needs of our beneficiaries
  • Provide social cohesion facilities to our beneficiaries
  • Facilitate visits of children to their mothers in jail
  • Collaborate with local administration for the integration of our beneficiaries

Furaha Delphine


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Our Mission

ICPO’s mission aims to become a high voice advocating for the rights of its beneficiaries in collaboration of other stakeholders in order to change the life and prepare the future full of joy to children especially those who are vulnerable in society.

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Our Vision

To identify, assist and promote the rights and welfare of vulnerable children in particular kids whose mothers are under sentence in jail before and after leaving them in prisons of RWANDA.

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Get in Touch

  • icpmrwanda@yahoo.com
  • +250 788 835 842
  • www.icpo.rw
  • Rubavu District - Rwanda

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